Thursday, May 20, 2010


>Kids should be parented with as much love and touch as possible. After reading the book, Tuesdays with Morrie, this became clear to me. Deep down we all crave to be touched physically. As children we never receive it enough because we grow up so quickly. As far as teaching a child rules I think respect is the most important factor. If a child does not respect its parent it seems nearly impossible to raise the kid in a good way. Time outs are a necessary way to show boundries on what is ok and what is not ok. Co-sleeping is a very interesting topic. Let the child sleep with the parents for too long and he will have trouble being dependent. I think to a certain extent parents should let children sleep with parents. I personally slept with my parents for a very long time but still seem to be quite independent. I do not think research is necessary in order to raise children. Although it may sound dumb, I think parenting is an instinct that we are born with and it is more evident in women. Little girls always have dolls that they dress and change and that is how I think this instinct first kicks in.
Reading is critical at a young age because it broadens there vocabulary earlier because they are constantly hearing words. Although they do not fully understand them, the mind is a sponge at such a young age and picks up things very quickly.
One thing that I found dreadful was the ferber method. Although never used on me just hearing about it makes me sad. I think it makes the child feel worthless and will not be able to rely on people later in life. Although it may teach children to solve problems out on there own I think it makes them not feel appreciated enough. It seems wrong to me to have a child a such a young age figure out for himself that he is teething.

Attachment parenting is what I believe is the best way to raise kids. To an extent of course you need to let your children figure things out for themselves but they have so many years coming ahead of them to figure that out. Sleep with them, show them love and give them confidence. The children should feel comfortable and realize as soon as possible what family is for. This is one of the things we forget as we get older. Kids that are close to there parents feel like someone is always there for them, someone is always available to go to. Even if maybe leaving children alone was best for them, the children would not understand what is best for them at such a young age and can therefore not be what is best for them because it makes them lose this feeling of importance.

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