Monday, May 17, 2010


What is it about teenagers that prevents them from having long lasting relationships?

Is puberty the primary reason that teen relationships rarely work?

Do people from loving families make for better partners in teen relationships?

How does family income effect relationships with teens?

Are teens capable of loving at such a young age?

Interview with dad.

What is it about teenagers that prevents them from having long lasting relationships?

Well first off, I dont think it is one single thing that allows teens to have long lasting relationships. One of the major issues that is overlooked is time management. Teenagers have so many things going on at the same time that it becomes hard to be able to show affection and commit to someone. It is just an overwhelming time period is everyones life.

Is puberty the primary reason that teen relationships rarely work?

Puberty definitely plays a role in teen relationships. Hormones and being uncomfortable with your body. With that said though I think puberty also has a positive side in its role with teen relationships. During puberty your body is undergoing so many physical changes that you often become unhappy with your appearance. Relationships can make you feel loved, important and good about yourself and make puberty a bit easier.

Interview with coffee shop owner near house

Do people from loving families make for better partners in teen relationships?

That is a good question. Personally coming from a family with problems I think it has actually made me a better partner because I know what to avoid and what not to do. I think that people from loving families actually may have a harder time because they will often trust someone too easily. The other side of it is that they coming from a loving background and are bound to show more love and care to there partner.

How does family income effect relationships with teens?

This relates to the previous question in a way. Family income often has the negative affect of causing people to be greedy. Using people for what they have and not for their personality. People from more wealthy families generally seem to be more prude and have less sex where lower income families seem to have sex at a younger age. I am not really sure what the reason for that is though.

Interview with friend from soccer

Are teens capable of loving at such a young age?

haha well as a teen myself I like to think i am able to love. The word love is thrown around very often now that it has lost some meaning. To really love someone is not easy and of course you will have your disagreements. I think teens have trouble loving someone because of the pressure they receive to have sex. They feel the need to find someone regardless of personality that they can have sex with just to gain respect from friends. This to me is the main problem with teen relationships, they are all sex driven.


Surprisingly I found that my friend from soccer had the most interesting response although I expected my dad to have some interesting thoughts. I was let down by my dads response because it was just so predictable and cliche. The coffee shop guy had some interesting thoughts although I think he was offended that I asked him questions about income. It is an interesting point that sex ruins teen relationships because I remember how much respect friends of mine were given when they shared with us that they had done sex.

Do you feel like teen relationships are going anywhere?

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