Sunday, November 1, 2009

Homework #16: Outline

Thesis: Digital Representation devices have provided a distraction from boredom through there stimulating entertainment in both adults and children, and are a primary reason of our societies failure and ignorance.

Main Idea for Intro: Children and Adults everywhere with access to forms of digital representation devices use them to alleviate there boredom and therefore waste there lives away.
We spend too much of our time communicating via text message and facebook and the youth today is unable to hold a educated conversation because of the mere fact that we are to used to communicating in other digital forms. Our society has become ignorant and in denial of the whole situation. We all point the finger on how other people are addicted to media but are often unable to face it ourselves.


Children being left home alone spend there time playing video games to avoid boredom and too get some form of stimulation. No longer spend time outside as much.

We are in denial about how corrupt our societies have become through digital representation devices and how they affect our daily lives in negative ways.

The raise in levels of ADD over the past 10 years because of over stimulation between television,video games, and computer use. Children cannot focus at so many loud things at one time as it becomes distracting later in life.

Evidence: The ammount of revenue that video game companies earn per year through children buying video games. The decline in children's outdoor activity. Mostly adults live off their mobile phones and are fully dependent on them. Prime example: my father. Online data that shows increases off ADD in the past decade. Sources that talk about how video games can cause distraction and over stimulation.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. this sounds like it could be the start of a really great paper. it seems you know what you will be talking about. and you have types of evidence you need to back up your points. there is alot of recent news that i can think of that relates to your point, but also alot of events in the past. you should be able to find some interesting facts maybe about crime rate relating to video games. something like that, you have a great start here.
    the only thing to make sure of is that your arguments are organized. so the paper is easy to follow and not confusing. good luck max!

  3. Hey Max I like the outline of it so far it sounds like it could be a really good paper. I really like the evidence that you have so far about the game companies making money because of us kids buying them. But I'm also hoping that you also have evidence for all the rest of your arguments, because so far im liking the whole outline and such, but if you don't have any good evidence to back up your paper it would be a pretty "okay" paper. But i have confidence in you so work your hardest and you'll have a great paper.

    Good luck, Richie S.
