Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Who is this guy? English blog homework

Meursault as a character so far is someone who seems to rarely show emotion. He is not necessarily negative in his thoughts but you cannot make a clear cut decision on what he is feeling. From the first page you think that he does not care about his mother and shows no affection to her. On page 15. I see the first glimpse of him relating or thinking about his mother. "Seeing the rows of cypress trees leading up to the hills next to the sky.....I was able to understand Maman better."
With this quote I believe he is saying that with seeing with gorgeous landscape around him, he is able to understand Maman's reasoning for living here. He can directly relate to his mothers feelings because perhaps she had an appreciation for landscape.
From what we have read so far, we know or think the Meursault is an emotionless guy and does not question what he is feeling. Although it may be considered boring by some, I think it raises the excitement to find out what kind of guy he is and what he really feels inside. It is the mysterious personality that we see so far that makes me curious to know more about his background. From the start of the book we are told so little exact information to form a clear opinion on who he is. We are not told any background information besides "Maman used to spend her time following me with her eyes, not saying a thing" We are not told what type of relationship they had and why Meursault is so detached from her. He seems to be very lonely and in denial about his feelings. His social life is rarely mentioned so far, so I assume he does not spend his nights partying with friends but instead staying in and wondering about his ideas.
When I am sad or hurt about something i am similar to Meursault. Instead of complaining or seeking help, I store it all inside of me. I bottle up my fears and sadness and do not share them with the outer world, similar to the way Meursault does.
We look at people and immediately judge them by their outfits, we have no idea what they have been through or overcome yet still for some reason we often think we know how they are feeling and what they are thinking. In the case of Meursault he is very unpredictable in what he says. Right when I was convinced that he did in fact have strong feelings for his mother, he tells the man that he does not want to see her again.

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