Tuesday, October 27, 2009

English: I <3 Huckabees

The movie I heart huckabees was a new and original idea. I can imagine that most people only went to see the movie because of the cast that was in it. The plot and story of it is very original which makes it surprising that so many top actors agreed to be a part of it. I can imagine the script may have sounded very dull to a lot of people but when actually carried through it makes for quite the interesting movie.
This world that we live in is definitely meaningful, at least in my point of view but rarely does it make complete sense. I question our reasoning behind our existence and what our job is on earth. Is it really to be the best person that we can be? Or is there maybe a deeper meaning. Maybe each person, at birth is set fourth a list of goals that he/she is supposed to fulfill and complete before dying. Maybe there is no meaning. It is ironic how we always strive for another level. In grade school we are told to work hard so that we get into a good middle school. From there the same story carries on to high school, and from high school to college and then to graduate school. We work our lives away so that we have enough money to be stable during retirement. But at this point our bodies are so old and worn out there is not much left for us to experience. The order in which we do things seems reversed. The meaning of life comes into question. To me personally, people that are living meaningful lives are those who do not even worry about there own lives. They are constantly out to help others. We strive to make it seem like we are helping others so we can feel like we are living a honest meaningful life. We go to charity events or we donate money to organizations where we have no idea where the money is going. The important goal of this "helping others" is a feeling we get and hoping our peers see us as good meaningful citizens. It brings back a quote that “Once you realize the universe sucks, you got nothing left to lose.” This is sort of true because you play your life in a way that you take risks within your life because you believe they are not risks. This would cause you to experience and get so much more out of your life.

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