Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Homework #7

What are your feelings and thoughts on electronics and digitilazation?
Dad- What is this for school or something?
Me- Yes
Dad- electronics and digitilization arent really as bad as me often make them out to be. Of course they hold us back from doing other thing that could be more useful. Think about it though. When I was 16 I had to write a hand written letter to my cousin in Vietnam. It took about two weeks to get there, if it go there at all. Now in a matter of seconds I can send him a video of me talking to him personally just becuase of our modern technology.

Random Man on streets views of modern technology

"It ruins the way me think. Everything is better than the previous one. I use to fraud checks back in college. Cant do that no more can we? Yeah you can send a picture light speed but you also realize you are staring at a dam piece of plastic for hours. Maybe its glass, i dont know. I got to go.

Close friend named Bibi:

Its good cause we know more and find out more. Its not so good cause we end up doing less. We knows things that go on in different parts of the world really quickly. It is crazy to think about what we have come from in technology. It is a joke to me when I see a really big cellphone that is outdated but to think that man invented a device that allows us to communicate with a person via voice that is anywhere in the world. Dude, thats crazy if you ask me.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

david banach response #2

Banach's argument is that we find things to blame when we do not succeed. This is completely true. It is very rare to see someone not find an excuse for their failure. We only do this because it is the easiest way out and relieves us of a large ammount of guilt. Wayne Dyer has a book called change your thoughts, change your mind. For a large portion of it he talks about fault and blame. He tells us "All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you." To an extreme measure, blame can be compared to using alcohol or drugs as a temporary solution to depression and sadness. For a period of time the blame, and even the alcohol will relieve and distract you from reality. At the end of the day though, you will have to face it that blaming someone only put a halt to your progress as an individual. You put your faults and flaws on someone or something else because of the mere fact that you were not able to admit to yourself that you were not good enough.
Banach goes deeper in how people no longer realize that they have the power to decide who they are. This reminds me strongly of the commercial for anti drugs that claim we should be above the influence. Personally, i have never met anyone in my life who is above the influence of other people. To some extent we all are. Women started wearing ugg boots because they saw other women wearing them just as men began wearing nike dunks because they saw other men wearing them. These days it is near impossible to be original. Every person we meet we act different around. We meet someone famous we act polite, we meet someone rude we act rude back, we meet a goodlooking man or woman we try to impress them by acting different. This is why love rarely works. A man meets a woman and she becomes crazy for him. In reality though she is crazy for the image and mask he put on for her. Sooner or later she will discover the real man and maybe wont be so impressed. She will often claim that he has changed since they met and that he is not being himself. The irony in this is that when he finally does become himself she is surprised.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hw: #1 Manleys Homework on "the ethics of absolute freedom"

Banach's lecture almost questions what we discover and believe. What we see or think may not necessarily be true for everyone. When Banach poses questions at first, he asks very broad questions that can be easily argued for or against. Personally though, I think that human flourishing is to maximize a humans potential in there life span. Regardless of what accomplished or income earned, it is the mark he can leave on thing that will let him look back at the end of the road to really value what he has done. Our ethics shape out who we are and therefore it becomes important in the decisions that we make as we are faced with them to shape out who we are.  I find a good portion of what Banach is saying is a question proposed to the reader on what we see and what we believe. The fact of the matter is that we think we know so much and are so advanced in technology but in reality I think that we know so little. The planet earth is a bleep on a radar screen in the galaxy where other life forms may look down at us and question our way of life. 

Monday, September 14, 2009

Homework #3 Initial thoughts on digital unit

When you really look at the affect of purely communication electronic devices you realize how drastic the change is. Pagers and beepers seemed to be the revolution in communication only a couple of years ago and now they are "dead technology" We can literally contact any one with a mobile device or computer in a matter of seconds. I was watching a James Bond film the other night and was completely amazed that a solid ammount of his super cool gadgets have already come out. He was talking to an agent through a video on a screen. Once very cool, we already have the video chat function on many of our laptops. 
   The real question that i wonder is how far can and will we go from here? We often focus so much of our time into creating the new ipod, and the sidekick when if we spent all this time, energy, money and research when we could use it on maybe finding a solution to global warming?World hunger? I think its our priorities that are screwed up.