Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Homework 50

Freire - Second chapter of pedagogy of the oppressed

This text is about the banking model of education and the oppression it causes. Friere tells us how the banking model is a type or form of education where students are simply memorizing facts and not really understanding or appreciating concepts. The banking system is the common system used at schools in the United States. He moves on to tell us that this system keeps us oppressed intentionally. He then talks about a type of education that would be more beneficial which is more similar to the SOF education. In this system equality seems to be the center point. Teachers can also learn from there students and class becomes more of a conversation on a given topic than just pure text book work.

I thought this text was quite boring. The part that i found interesting was when he talked about how the system keeps us oppressed intentionally. This was very interesting but other than that I found the majority of the ideas in his text to be stuff that I have already heard before and seemed to be nothing very new. I like the school system of equality and I always found a very important factor in that is calling teachers by their first names as opposed to their last. I find that it provides a more relaxed feeling for the students than giving teachers a sense of entitlement. On the other hand calling teachers by their last name may also be so they are respected or feel more respected.

Gatto Six lessons

Gatto explains what is expected of him as a teacher by authorities. He breaks down the role of a typical teacher into six different things. He explains them as six different lessons that his students are supposed to learn. All the lessons have to do with discipline, sorting, and lack of individuality. He shows how the system of teaching in which the student controls all of the students education and basically speaks to the students while they sit there and listen doesn't educate students it turns them into robots or puppets to fit in to society later on with out causing a problem.

Gatto starts off by talking about his expectations as a teacher by authorities. He looks at the role of teachers and categorizes it into six different things. He goes on to explain them as six different lessons that students should learn. Every one of the lessons have something to do with sorting out, lack of individuality and discipline.

Lisa Delpit

Lisa Delpit gives reason why she personally believes that minority students do not get a proper education is through that they do not belong to the culture of power. She claims that in order to be educated in our education system you need to have a basic understand of the culture of power. According to Lisa Delpit it is not so much being part of it but it is more vital to understand it.

I sort of disagree wit what she is saying. Her idea seems to make all minorities become conformists do the so called culture of power. Now I think it is pretty obvious that the culture of power in this case is the white culture. I think it is wrong completely to teach people to live another culture. It is one thing to experience other cultures and to understand how they work but I feel like she is stressing that people would need to abandon there roots in order for her system to work and I dont think this is right nor would it work.

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