Friday, June 4, 2010


Since I assume that the film Babies was produced by Americans, It makes the child from San Francisco seem to be raised the best although I personally enjoyed watching the child from Tokyo. The film is incredible in that the people are living in completely different parts of the world with different circumstances in different environments but all have similar methods in which they raise there children. I personally think that if any of the children were transferred to a different environment they would be affected by it at first. At year 1 you are sort of getting used to your environment and can expect certain things to an extent. Another thing is at that age you start to see certain places over and over again and are familiar with them which would be a major shift if any of the children were switched, especially since each of the children were coming from such different places and lifestyles.
The interesting child to me was the one from Namibia. This child was given a lot of freedom to figure things out for itself. Ponijao, is given space to make options for herself and explore things.
The best part of this movie though is just how much people research raising children and the proper methods and in this movie it just portrays it as being so effortless and simple where in America we are often the people that go all out when it comes to how to raise children and what methods to use. That kind of makes the whole film....ironic (i know, i know irony means something else)